塞下曲四首 其一





【注解】: 1、幽、并:幽州和并州,今河北、山西和陕西一部分。 2、游侠儿:指恃武勇、逞意气而轻视性命的人。 3、矜:自鸣不凡。 【简析】: 从对塞外景色的描写,表现出羁旅远游者惆怅迷茫的心境。语言简炼,特别是以劝诫游子矜夸马儿的口气反衬出征人的悲哀,十分巧妙。 这首乐府歌曲是写非战的。诗由征戍边塞庶几不回,而告诫少年莫夸武力,抒发 非战之情。写边塞秋景,无限萧煞悲凉,写戍边征人,寄寓深切同情;劝世上少年、 声声实在,句句真情。“从来幽并客,皆共尘沙老”,与王翰的“醉卧沙场君莫笑, 古来征战几人回”,可谓英雄所见,异曲同工,感人至深 AT A BORDER-FORTRESS Cicadas complain of thin mulberry-trees In the Eighth-month chill at the frontier pass. Through the gate and back again, all along the road, There is nothing anywhere but yellow reeds and grasses And the bones of soldiers from You and from Bing Who have buried their lives in the dusty sand. ...Let never a cavalier stir you to envy With boasts of his horse and his horsemanship