
艳色天下重,西施宁久微。 朝为越溪女,暮作吴宫妃。 贱日岂殊众,贵来方悟稀。 邀人傅脂粉,不自著罗衣。 君宠益娇态,君怜无是非。 当时浣纱伴,莫得同车归。 持谢邻家子,效颦安可希。


【简析】: 以咏西施为题,比喻一个人纵然有才也还需要机遇,也反映出世态的炎凉。结尾两句,可以解作姿色是天生的,并没有用,有什么必要效颦? 【注解】: 1、持谢:奉告。 2、安可希:怎能希望别人的赏识。 【韵译】: 艳丽的姿色向来为天下器重, 美丽的西施怎么能久处低微? 原先她是越溪的一个浣纱女, 后来却成了吴王宫里的爱妃。 平贱时难道有什么与众不同? 显贵了才惊悟她丽质天下稀。 曾有多少宫女为她搽脂敷粉, 她从来也不用自己穿著罗衣。 君王宠幸她的姿态更加娇媚, 君王怜爱从不计较她的是非。 昔日一起在越溪浣纱的女伴, 再不能与她同车去来同车归。 奉告那盲目效颦的邻人东施, 光学皱眉而想取宠并非容易! 【评析】: 这是一首借咏西施,以喻为人的诗。“朝为越溪女,暮作吴宫妃”写出了人生浮 沉,全凭际遇的炎凉世态。 诗开首四句,写西施有艳丽的姿色,终不能久微。次六句写西施一旦得到君王宠 爱,就身价百倍。末了四句写姿色太差者,想效颦西施是不自量力。语虽浅显,寓意 深刻。 沈德潜在《唐诗别裁集》中说:“写尽炎凉人眼界,不为题缚,乃臻斯诣。”此 言颇是。 --引自"超纯斋诗词"bookbest.163.net 翻译、评析:刘建勋    THE BEAUTIFUL XI SHI Since beauty is honoured all over the Empire, How could Xi Shi remain humbly at home? -- Washing clothes at dawn by a southern lake -- And that evening a great lady in a palace of the north: Lowly one day, no different from the others, The next day exalted, everyone praising her. No more would her own hands powder her face Or arrange on her shoulders a silken robe. And the more the King loved her, the lovelier she looked, Blinding him away from wisdom. ...Girls who had once washed silk beside her Were kept at a distance from her chariot. And none of the girls in her neighbours' houses By pursing their brows could copy her beauty.